(pronounced KAW-figh)
Kowhai are small trees, growing to a height of only about 8 metres. They're so common that the kowhai flower is the official national flower of New Zealand. Many species of kowhai are deciduous, which is unusual for a native New Zealand tree (most are evergreen). The tree gets its name from the Māori word, kōwhai, meaning 'yellow'.
Pookie poses with our baby kowhai trees
Kowhai bloom on bare branches in early spring
Raucous tui love eating the nectar of the kowhai flowers
Kowhai bloom on bare branches in early spring
Raucous tui love eating the nectar of the kowhai flowers
(pronounced MAT-eye)
Matai is a type of native pine tree that grows up to 40 metres high. The seeds are dispersed by the kereru (New Zealand pigeon), which eats the matai berries and passes the seeds in its droppings. In the past the timber was used in house building, especially for flooring.