1. Cats
At last, we've got a decent photo of both kittens together. This wasn't easy. Thank goodness for digital cameras, otherwise I'd have run through at least ten rolls of film on kitten shots already!

Pookie (l) and Mo (r)
2. DIY
We've been stocking up on tools, decorating supplies and gardening equipment from the local DIY megastore, Mitre 10. We must have made about a dozen visits in the last week. I'm not joking - most days we've made more than one trip. It's starting to get embarrassing!
The frantic buyout of Mitre 10 is partly due to our decision to start decorating the living room tomorrow, and partly due to Iain's decision to follow in his dad's footsteps and take up woodworking. To this end he made himself a workbench yesterday. Here he is, putting in the final screws. I'm impressed.

He Did It Himself!
3. Exploring the local area
We think we might have found a beach to replace Whatipu in our affections. It's called Ototoka and is about half an hour's drive west of the city. It has a wild, windswept charm with fine, black sand, lots of driftwood, sandstone cliffs and even a waterfall.

Ototoka Beach
Virginia Lake Park is a beautiful area of mature parkland in the upmarket suburb of St. John's Hill. It's easy to imagine Victorian ladies with their parasols taking a leisurely walk around the paths and feeding the ancestors of the current ducks. I decided to take my shoes off and dangle my feet in the lake, unaware that I was sitting in duck pooh. Oh well, with two kittens to look after, my life seems to involve rather a lot of pooh at the moment!
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