We found this insect crawling around on the firewood that's drying out on the porch of the sleepout. It's about five centimetres long. Does anyone know what it is?

The last three photos could be the first pictures in another occasional series entitled 'Our House'. The room I use as my office is a small lean-to extension built onto the side of the bedroom. It's got lots of windows which means it's lovely and bright, but consequently it gets very hot in summer, and I'm expecting it'll get chilly in winter, especially as it's completely uninsulated. As you can see, it overlooks the washing line. We don't have a tumble dryer because there isn't room for one in the kitchen, and there's nowhere else to put one. Getting the washing dry on rainy days can be a bit of a challenge. We've not decorated in here yet, and we're a bit short on ideas. Please let us know if you've got any suggestions for a good office scheme.
That unidentified thing in the photo? I'm pretty sure it's Iain, although with the sunglasses it's hard to be 100% sure.
Oh, you mean the photo ABOVE the caption? Sorry, no idea. It's probably poisonous though.
Nah, it can't be me. I've only got one chin.
The ugly green fella is a preying mantis. Which the cat has just eaten.
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