Friday, 18 August 2006


thanks to Rachel for the very cool cover design

Great excitement today - my inspection copy of Oi! (the poetry anthology I compiled for my writers' forum) arrived this morning, and it's turned out perfectly. So I've now made it available for purchase. The anthology showcases the work of eighteen poets, including me.

Here's the 'blurb' from the back cover:

Oi! is the first collection of poetry from members of the online writers’ forum The Write Idea.

This eclectic mix of poems, ranging from nonsense verse to Spenserian sonnets, from nursery rhymes to erotica, will take you from B & Q to the planet Mars, from bronze age Britain to contemporary Spain. Your travel guides include a cow, a sheep and a woolly mammoth.

Arresting? Original? Witty? Always.
Boring? Never.

Check it out here.

P.S. If you view the preview pages, don't be put off by the weird, irregularly-sized font. I think that's a deliberate ploy by Lulu to prevent people simply printing off the previews for nothing, and not buying the book!


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