Here are the first photos of our new kitten, Smudge.
First impressions of her character:
conclusion drawn _____supporting evidence
placid __________________Neither the car journey, the change of scene, nor the absence of her mother and siblings seem to have disturbed her equilibrium.
a keen climber____________She's been shinning up the back of the chair and has been looking for curtains to climb up so that she can see out of the window; fortunately, we've got a blind.
very vocal (oh dear!)________Smudge seems to have a meow for all occasions.
contented________________She purrs loudly and frequently.
a potential lap cat__________She keeps clambering up onto me and going to sleep. Of all the cats I've owned I've never had a lap cat before, and it would be very nice to share a home with one at last!
not overly intelligent________Smudge has a penchant for sleeping in her litter tray. I've had to remove her four times already.
Lap-cats are fine until they discover that they still possess claws.
Still, Smudge looks unbearably cute.
Hi Helen. Smudge is lovely! She shows some similarities to our own new addition - they're both cute, placid, contented and keep falling asleep. However, I'm pleased to report that Freya's not that vocal (except when she wants to be fed), she can't climb (or do much at all, really) and is not yet litter trained at all! The cats don't seem particularly impressed with their new sister so far.
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