Iain & Jim at Jell's party

Thanks very much to Jell, a member of an emigration forum that Iain posts to, and her husband Jeff, for being our hosts at a party we went to last night.
They planned a barbecue, so naturally it rained, but the wet weather didn't put a damper on anyone's spirits and a good time was had by all. We got the chance to meet for the first time lots of people that we know from the forum, which was really good.
We went with Carin & Jim, and the four of us were the last to leave, after 1 a.m. Here, for posterity, is a record of the state that Jim and Iain got themselves into. It wasn't pretty, and they were even less pretty when they woke up this morning.
Helen (on Iain's computer)
Nope - nothing to do with me... who are these people? Why does one of them have a green beak and the other only a blur in place of a hand?
...and where's the photographic evidence of the funky chicken in the shower cap?!
I can't help it if people were too slow off the mark to catch the bird...;-)
For those who weren't at the party, the green beak is a duck quacker. Somebody (cough, cough) brought it to the party in her handbag and once Jim was sufficiently inebriated, gave it to him in the hope that he would provide drunken entertainment. He didn't disappoint.
Iain's blurry hand is a result of the very rude gesture he was making at the time.
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