We set off on one of Iain's trademark 'random drives', and ended up on Orewa beach (left).
Although not very hot, the weather was exceptionally muggy and we both developed headaches.
On the beach I met a cat with the weirdest markings I've ever seen. The fur on its body was mottled cream and fudge, and it had white paws and a white bib. Its ears and tail were dark chocolate brown, and it had big blobs around its eyes in the same colour, that made it look just like a panda. I asked Iain to take a photo of the cat using my mobile phone.
After a while our headaches were making us feel so weird that we returned home early for a lie down in a darkened room. The whole day had the otherworldly feel of an acid trip (not that I know from personal experience, of course, but I have taken Benylin, so say no more...)

So I was delighted when I found out that the photo Iain had taken miraculously echoed the trippin' vibe of the whole day. It looks as if it were taken through the eyes of someone in a drugged-out haze.
The question is, did Pandacat really exist or was he merely a hallucination shared by me, Iain and my moblie phone?
I'm off for another lie down.
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