Iain looking lost. "If only there were some landmarks around..."

Mount Taranaki

Normally you can easily see Mount Ruapehu from Wanganui (where they did all the Mordor stuff in LOtR - Mount Doom is just behind it), but Mount Taranaki (where the Last Samuri was shot, NZ film buffs!) spends a fair chunk of its life under clouds, however we could see them both from the same spot today.
Nestled in the hills where we stopped was this place. I think I've found my dream home. Imagine waking up to those views every morning?! It felt in a world of its own out there, but in reality was only 20-30 minutes out of the city. So you could easily commute. Wonder how much they want for it?
Iain's dream home

We're off star gazing on Friday night at the local observatory, with some folks from our quiz team - also hoping to brain wash them into playing a few board games with us. This should make up for missing Beer & Pretzels this year. :)
We are on our 4th watching of Lord of the etc.Now we are spotting the location too.Does Legolas live next doorand if so what did he pay?Good luck with the ditch !! We did that once!
Is that you, Jane?
Iain thinks he recognises your one-fingered typing. ;-)
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