Friday, 28 September 2007

A quick update

We finally went unconditional on the land today - the geotech surveyor gave everything the thumbs up. The only thing we need to do is plant some erosion control trees on the slope above the access road, when we put the road in. It'll cost us $3-4k extra, but nothing show stopping. The house site itself (i.e. the hill) is basically on solid rock, so isn't going anywhere in a hurry. Always good to know!

Other NZ news of note is Ruapehu erupted last week. Completely without warning, it just went bang and shot a load of boulders, lava, ash & mud out of the top. Not so great for the people in the climbers hut near the summit, or the skiers enjoying a holiday break!

More info and cool pics here

Friday, 7 September 2007

Cool School

Ngamatapouri School

As part of my job, I have to travel to schools around the region to observe and assess teacher aides in the classroom. The other day I visited Ngamatapouri school to carry out an assessment. Wow, what an amazing place.

It's about 80kms from Wanganui, 50kms down a single track, no exit road. The school has a grand total of 6 students, ranging from 5-12 years old. 1 teaching principal and 1 TA.

Inside the one and only classroom

What a gig! Great staff & great kids. Beats the crap out of town schools. Fair old commute though. On my trip out there, I didn't see a single other vehicle on the track - and the round trip took 1 1/2 hours!!

The Playground

The Playing Fields