Friday, 26 August 2005

Still here!

We haven't vanished, honest! We're still waiting for our house to be connected up to the phone/internet so can't update things as we'd like. Should be sorted in a couple of weeks!


Anonymous said...

We're beginning to forget you. Iain & Helen? Used to live somewhere north of Burton? Nah, never heard of them.

Iain said...

Burton? Where's that then?

Anonymous said...

"They've not really gone so long as we remember them"

"Remember who?"

On a slightly serious note, are there going to be anymore updates to the Blog? I don't want anyone thinking tgat I actually care, mind you, but it's handy to know :)

Iain said...

When they plug our phone in, we'll do a once a week post. (Maybe more often - it'll be just like watching Corrie.)

Anonymous said...

If it's ANYTHING like watching Corrie, you'll be here on your own. I was hoping for something a bit more "Desperate Housewives".