Sunday, 13 August 2006

Kiwi Quiz

How much do you know about New Zealand?
Find out with this Kiwi Quiz I've put together.
The answers are at the bottom of the post, so no peeking and no googling.
Are you ready? Get set, GO!

1. What are these called in New Zealand?...
a) fries
b) crisps
c) chips
d) waffles

2. ... and what about these?
a) gumboots
b) booties
c) wellies
d) rubbers

3. Which city is the capital of New Zealand?
a) Auckland
b) Wellington
c) Christchurch
d) Rotorua

4. What is the population of the capital city?
a) 1.2 million
b) 375,000
c) 164,000
d) 79,000

5. What is the national netball team called?
a) The All Blacks
b) The Tall Blacks
c) The All Whites
d) The Silver Ferns

6. What is the national dessert of New Zealand?
a) peach melba
b) pavlova
c) kiwi cheesecake
d) spotted dick

7. What nickname do New Zealanders use when referring to Australia?
a) God's Own
b) The Mainland
c) West Island
d) Rooland

8. Where do Kiwis buy their lottery tickets?
a) at a newsagent's
b) at a dairy
c) at a corner shop
d) at a five and dime

9. What are holiday homes called on South Island?
a) cribs
b) baches
c) barks
d) scratches

10. The flowers of which New Zealand native tree produce a honey renowned for its antibacterial properties?
a) pohutakawa
b) manuka
c) rimu
d) nikau

Answers below...

1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5 d, 6 b, 7 c, 8 b, 9 a, 10 b

How did you do?


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